Mobile World Congress & modu Mania

Posted by Oren Todoros

I'm back and rested after Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona, Spain. For all those in the mobile industry, this was an event not to be missed. The biggest names in mobile showcased everything they've got to offer, from new devices that are now hitting the market to concept phones we'll be seeing the very near future.

The buzz through the show was: Small is the new big! One of the names that made the biggest impact is modu. The worlds smallest and lightest phone "according to the Guinness book of records". Designed to slip into a variety of stylishly designed modu jackets, modu let's you create a new look for your mobile device while adding functionality that will instantly shape and reshape the way you communicate. This mean we get the best new features in a much shorter time frame at a lower cost.

Communication is no longer just about talking on the phone, communication can happen anywhere and at any time. This is the core of what modu's offering. whether you're a gamer, sports extremist, in the office or lounging around the house, modu will let you communicate through custom modu Jackets and Mates - allowing you to enjoy a brand new communication experience every time you need to stay in touch.

100 brave men and women "the whole modu team" made it's way to the Mobile World Congress armed with a bag full of Tic-Tacs to spread the news on modu, don't belive me? Watch the video bellow to see how it all went down.

Here's what Fabrizio Capobianco of the Funambol blog had to say about modu:

" There were few good hardware news. One was Modu. A very cool idea of a device that can have many "covers". The difference is that the covers transform the device from a smartphone to a dumbphone to a music player. Very interesting concept. Every carrier can build its cover and differentiate. And it is low cost. Wins the HW of the conference award from me. "

More news on modu to come, If you caught modu at MWC or want to share your experience of the show, post your comments!